# Sky/Heaven/Celestial Realm
World Sky Time Deity
Upper Bright Day (diurnal) Sky Father
Middle Red Dawn/Dusk (liminal) ?
Lower Dark Night (nocturnal) Night Sky God
## Misc
## Kinds
## Cosmography, Triple Layered
French dude also
## By Deity
[Day Sky Father](day-sky-father.md)
[Night Sky God](night-sky-god)
### PIE Other Sky Father
- Grk. Uranus
- Hittite Uarsa
- Vedic Varsa/Varesta (=Varuna? & Mitra-Varuna?))
- He impregnates impregnates mother earth? See [[creation-cosmogony]]
### NIE
Udmurt Vos (*Inmar*) *m*
## Celtic
[Celtic Sky](sky-celtic.md)
## Stone
*h ek̑ -me/on- meaning ‘stone’ in some daughter languages and ‘sky’ in others (or having both meanings in one and the same language, cf. Skt. aśman- ‘stone’, probably ‘sky’, Av. asman- ‘stone; sky’, Gk. ákmōn ‘anvil’, ‘sky’ in ákmōn ... ouranós [Hsch.] [156]) one may assume that speakers of PIE conceptualized the sky as made of stone, the solution is less evident in cases like Lat. fāgus ‘beech’ vs. Gk. phēgós ‘oak’ [287], where the divergence of attested meanings makes it difficult to assess the situation in the proto-language. [[klein-et2017-20]]
## Color
## Other
[[martirosyan1964]] Armenian ceiling : palate : sky/heaven
## External Links
[Wikipedia: Sky-deity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sky-deity)
[Wikipedia: Proto-Indo-European-mythology#Sky-Father](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Indo-European-mythology#Sky-Father)
[Wikipedia: Proto-Indo-European_mythology#Other_propositions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Indo-European_mythology#Other_propositions)