[[religion]] [[ritual]] [[pie-religion]] [[death]] # Sacrifice = offering = gift (get something in exchange) [Wikipedia: PIE Myth Sacrifices](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Indo-European-mythology#Sacrifices) ## Scholarship [[lincoln1986-themes]] [[sick1996]] [[kaliff2005]] [[kaliff2007]] [[collins2014]] [[serith2001]] [[s-zimmer2009]] PIE Terms [[minkowski1989]] [Celtic Sacrifice](sacrifice-celtic.md) [[libation]] [[m-detienne-j-vernants1989]] sacrifice and food, greek ## Kind [[human-sacrifice]] [[animal-sacrifices]] ## Types by kind, by etc. to sea, to etc. ### Initiatory [[ahmadi2015-th]] Ch 12: "Initiation-based youth bands and initiatory sacrifice" ### Etymology Sacrifice PIE *də2p- Gloss: ‘sacrifice’ (item 7 in [[bjorn2017]]) Attestations: (?)Hit. tappala– ‘person responsible for court cooking’; (?)Toch. A tāpā– ‘to eat’; Lat. daps; ON tafn; (?)Gr. δαπάνη ‘cost’; Arm. tawn ‘feast’. Notes: While there is no consensus on an IE reconstruction for Hittite (cf. Tischler 1991: 114f., although probably formally possible, cf. Kimball 1999: 387f.), and the Tocharian connection is denied on phonological grounds (cf. LIV2: 104 fn.11), Kroonen suggests a derivation to the verbal root *də2p- ‘to slaughter’ for the Latin, Armenian, and Germanic forms, cf. Greek δάπτω (2013: 504). Note that there is no imperative other than convention preventing the reconstruction of a central vowel *-a-, especially if the item cannot be traced to ancient PIE. External comparanda: Semitic: *δabḥ- (Dolgopolsky 1987: 15, 1989: 5) Discussion: Orel & Stolbova connect the Semitic form to East Chadic and Lowland East Cushitic forms to produce the Afro-Asiatic reconstruction *ǯabaḥ– (1995:549). As a cultural term this item may well have travelled, and, despite voiced criticism (e.g. Diakonoff 1985: 124f.), IE scholars like Kroonen (2003: 504) consider the similarity plausible. The fact that a PIE verbal root has been deduced need not deter a loan from Semitic as is indicated by the various IE derivations that surely points to a native or nativized basic root, which may, indeed, have entered the language at an early stratum. More conspicuous does the unvoiced rendition of the Semitic sequence *-bḥ– in (P)IE appear, possibly attributable to intermediate languages. The lack of clear Anatolian and Tocharian cognates make a truly old transfer difficult to substantiate, yet the current indecisive nature of the Hittite form may turn to provide either evidence for a very old connection or a complete rejection hereof. ## Other "In the Indo-European tradition, sacrifice is the essence of existence in an endless round of dissolution and renewal." [Ex. Purusa, Ymir]    The ultimate leader of the sacrifices back in PIE society was the King acting as a priest making a libation to the gods in exchange for favor. "God or *gheu-" itself means "to pour a libation"    The universe typically begins with the sacrifice of a primordial being (Ymir, Purusa) and is renewed by the dying and rebirth of a young male god (Baldr, Dionysos, Adonis) as with non-IE agricultural gods like Attis, Osiris, etc.